Mueller Puts The Constitution In The Shredder

Mueller And The Deep-State

I have practically let this blog go dormant.

Days like this.  Am still waking up in America?

Up till now I have been mostly a disinterested observer in the “Trump-Russian Collusion” myth.  This morning I briefly came up for air from my three jobs and learned that the offices of President Trump’s personal attorney were raided by FBI agents.  Let’s reflect on that for a moment.

Image from Fabius Maximus

Image from Fabius Maximus

The infrastructure of Liberty rests on the foundation of rights and privileges.  The right to bear arms.  The right to avoid self-incrimination.  The privilege of communication between spouses.  Between doctor and patient.  Between attorneys and their clients.  Knock slats out of any one of these, and your Republic weakens.

Using the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York, Former FBI Chief and Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller engineered the seizure of countless documents from attorney Michael D. Cohen’s Manhattan offices.

Based on what?  On information Mueller and his team of Democrat Donors (yes) came across that had nothing to do with the so-called “Russian Narrative.”  Finding himself with information clearly out of the scope of his investigation, the team sneakily issued a referral to the office of Geoffrey S. Berman, a Trump appointee.

Whether Berman himself is a Deep-State operative foisted upon the current administration, or simply a conscientious officer of the court remains to be seen.  He and his office are clearly being used either willingly or as dupes a Mueller continues to abuse his powers.


A very public precedent has now been set to destroy the attorney – client privilege.  This tells us that Mueller and his team of Deep-State operatives have found nothing, and it reeks of desperation.  And desperate people are dangerous.

Mueller has clearly heard from his overlords that this farce of an investigation needs to be kept going until the mid-term elections in order to facilitate the Democrats re-taking the House and possibly the Senate.

Failing that, it’s still not over.  If we have learned nothing else over the past 18 months, it’s that the deranged Left won’t let something as quaint as losing an election stop them.

Somewhere in a parallel universe I would like to think that a special prosecutor is looking into Hillary Clinton’s campaign, foundation, e-mail servers and the Uranium One deal. You know, the actual collusion with the Russian government.  But no, somehow in this universe, Diamond and Silk are the threats to the Republic.

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About Phil Christensen

The trail behind me is littered with failure. The trail before me remains to be seen.
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