A Tough Month For The Left: Comey, Stormy And Starbucks.

Did you know there was another school walk-out right before the weekend?  Don’t blame yourself it you didn’t.  That’s why I listen to National Public Radio.  So you don’t have to.  Anyhow, those who would be our overlords are already on to the next big thing.  We’ll get to Comey in a bit.

Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder describe their condition like watching television with someone who can’t settle on a channel and won’t give up the remote.  Enter the American Left:

Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg, the most obnoxious “survivors” of the Parkland Massacre have apparently been dropped.  It was a good run, but America can only endure so much before fatigue takes hold. The Left poured themselves into a number of successful rallies over 5 ½ weeks culminating in the March for Life event on March 24th.

The usual suspects touted MFL as the biggest “youth march” since the Vietnam War failed to mention that only 10% of attendees where under the age of 18.  Now that they’ve exhausted the cause d’jour of using children as human shields, the Despicable Left (yes, again redundant) is on to something else. Can we stop this already?

When One Hits The Wall.  Hard.

Enter Stephanie Clifford, also known as “Stormy Daniels.”  The View continues it’s sacred tradition of giving porn “actresses” a platform.

Ms. Clifford, apparently on the advice of her attorney, and no doubt her agent, attended court this week. She was not a witness, plaintiff, or defendant.  But we’re mentioning it and that’s the point.  This is what happens when one is an attention addict and finds one’s self cut off.  Anything to get that rush.

The Seam Hannity/Richard Cohen kerfuffle didn’t last a week, and the fact that the Deranged Left (redundant, I know) thought it would be a thing just shows their desperation.

The Left Rages Against… What Exactly?

Overall, this has been a tough month for the Leftist cause.  Starbucks turned all 8,000 of their stores into one-day re-education camps, completely ignoring the irony, not to mention the history.  Like Bolsheviks sitting in a circle, I’m sure each and every barista was made to confess their thought-crimes in a great bout of cleansing.  Ah, the Left eating it’s own.

Starbucks2Special Council Mueller and his team of Democrat donors have come up with nothing.  The Democratic National Committee, anxious to keep things going until the mid-terms have filed a lawsuit against the Trump Campaign. For some reason a team of what is supposed to be crackerjack lawyers forgot that this means that the defendants get discovery.  Where there no adults in the room to say what a bad idea this was?  Does anyone over there have access to Hillary’s reset button?

If I Could Turn Back Time…

James Comey, has to be re-thinking that July 6th2016 news conference.  If only he had simply made his recommendation to the Attorney General without going in front of the microphones.  Then there would be no need for his pitiable effort to rehabilitate his tattered reputation.  Self-inflicted wounds are the most difficult from which to recover.  Comey is surely the most pathetic figure in the political arena right now.

Mark Zuckerberg.  Just once I want a CEO to sit in front of a congressional committee and say “None of your business.”   Wouldn’t that be refreshing?

Nothing more cringe-worthy than watching Zuckerberg explain how Facebook makes money to a group of legislators who can’t balance the checkbook.

While our legislators continue to run up record deficits, they gleefully issue subpoenas asking businessmen to explain perfectly legal procedures.  That’s hubris.  It’s also criminally stupid given that virtually every middle-schooler has a better command of the facts with respect to how the internet works.

Let’s be candid here. When the Obama team invented using Facebook as a campaign tool, they were called brilliant.

The Trump team does the same exact thing and the Left takes to their fainting couches.


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About Phil Christensen

The trail behind me is littered with failure. The trail before me remains to be seen.
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1 Response to A Tough Month For The Left: Comey, Stormy And Starbucks.

  1. John B says:

    Spot on…

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