Do Elections Still Matter?  Part II.

The System Crashes.

Continuing my reflections on our election system.  You can read part one here. Elections have consequences. For Statists/Marxists, that means taking the process out of the hands of the voter.

Ever since the 2000 elections, there has been this hue and cry for “election reform.”  During election night, the situation was ambiguous to say the least.  Most of the news media outlets called Florida for Al Gore, though thousands of residents were still on their way home from work in the Central Time Zone of the state’s panhandle, a known Republican stronghold.  

As the night wore on, one by one, all the major news outlets withdrew their earlier projections and correctly called Florida for George W. Bush, then governor of Texas.  

Nationwide, Gore was ahead in the popular vote and would finish with a half million vote margin.  At the same time, he was clearly on his way to losing the Electoral College.  Gore had gone so far as to privately concede to Bush via phone.   

The Democrat Machine was unable to redistribute its still unknown cache of fraudulent votes cast in California to other states.  It would be twenty years before they perfected this system.  

Then things started to get messy.

In a move which I’m pretty sure was unprecedented, Gore rescinded his concession.  Bush naturally questioned this, to which Gore famously replied, “you don’t have to be snippy about it.”

From there, the Democrats subjected the nation to one recount after another.  Each recount confirmed a Bush win in Florida.  At one point, Democrat operatives attempted to shut out partisan observers.  A move they would successfully and famously execute during the 2000 election.

There were hearings, editorials, and lots and lots of whining from The Left.

Mercifully for the nation, The Supreme Court put an end to the drama.  Subsequent recounts, some taking place well after Bush’s inauguration and insisted on by the Marxists in charge of the process, continued to confirm that Bush won Florida, full stop.

The Long March Is Never Over. Elections Notwithstanding.

The Left is nothing, if not patient.  It took over a hundred years to pollute our educational system beyond repair.  What’s another 20 years to completely subvert our elections?  If the voters would not cooperate, then they would take matters into their own hands.

“Finding” votes in the trunk of a Buick LeSabre was only the beginning.  The Left has gotten way more sophisticated.  The use of printers, electronics, search engines, algorithms, ballot harvesting, and drop boxes are just what they allow us to see.  Like an iceberg, my guess is there so much below the surface.  

It’s useful to note that 90% of the internet is inaccessible to the most commonly used search engines (the so-called “dark web”).  Does that apply here? At some point, conspiracy theory becomes conspiracy fact, and the term “debunked” loses all meaning.


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About Phil Christensen

The trail behind me is littered with failure. The trail before me remains to be seen.
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