Aftermath: Kavanaugh, Ford, and The State of The Union.

Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Ford are mere stand-ins for the larger conflict. The dueling narratives go far beyond he said/she said.

How The West Was Won.

We are all the beneficiaries of a high-trust society. If I head to the shore for the weekend, my neighbor will collect my mail. He won’t break into my house and steal my flat-screen. When I check into a hotel room here in America, it would never occur to me that the hotel staff would, under the direction of our National Intelligence Services, flip my room. Not so much overseas.

Regardless from what part of the United States one hails, the overwhelming majority of us will stop at a red light even when no one else is around. Because that’s what you do in a society that values ordered liberty. Most of us do the right thing, and this behavior is reinforced through experience and reciprocation. Granted, at the end of nearly every traffic rule, and every regulation, there are men with guns. The benefit of a high-trust society is that for the overwhelming majority, the men with guns become an infinitesimal part of our lives.

The Great Pretenders.

I’m pretty much done giving Christine Ford (spare me the “Dr. Ford” nonsense) the presumption of good will. That capital has been spent. At this point, no reasonable self-possessed person can offer her that presumption. In fact it far more likely that she acted out of malice.  Facts and resonated analysis: they don’t care about your feelings.

There are those who will always continue to pretend to believe Christine Ford, mostly for reasons of political expediency. We’re just going to have to put up with them.

There’s no evidence supporting her story and a mountain of evidence to support the case that Ford had repeatedly lied under oath. Not that she will ever be prosecuted, of course. But let’s end this whole “something must have happened to her” nonsense. Nothing happened to her. She was and remains a willing agent of the enemies of The West. This in spite of all the privileges afforded her.

The Democrats keep asserting that the rules of evidence don’t apply. Fine. I would have been satisfied if they had merely applied the rules of common sense.  Or at least pretended to since they were pretending so much else.

Consider the Following: In order for the Brett Kavanaugh’s enemies to be right, then the following must be true: In the early 80’s a gang of 15-year-old milquetoast boys were running a Sicilian Black-Hand style gang-rape operation under the very noses of the law enforcement in suburban Maryland. In the ensuing 35-plus years, this nefarious organization was kept secret with a discipline that would be the envy of Yale’s Skull and Bones. Furthermore, these suburban teens instilled such fear in their hundreds of victims that their activities have remained air-tight up until the courageous Julie Swetnick came forward last week. “Pizza Gate” is more plausible.

So Why The Charade?

Once in a while I come across something so profound, I wish I had written it:

THE WHOLE POINT OF By smearing the ultimate Boy Scout, the Democrats signal that they are determined to go lower than anyone has ever gone in American history. They intend to deter normal people from serving in Republican administrations, or accepting appointments from Republican presidents, or, ultimately, from identifying themselves with the Republican party. Given that strategy, the fact that they are smearing a man of obviously sterling character on absurdly flimsy grounds is not a bug, it is a feature. The fact that the Democrats’ smears are so patently false is ultimately their main point.


Score 1 For The Enemies of The West

Bret Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court. Good for the conservatives. This is a Pyrrhic victory at best, and celebrating this as a win for Liberty – in my never-to-be-humble opinion – misses the point.

The objective of The Left – sow further discord and distrust between men and women, has been met. Between brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters. Between husbands and wives.

Not so much between mothers and sons, but don’t think the Enemies of The West have forgotten them. That’s just a harder nut to crack. For now, their objective has been met. Damaging the social contract between men and women is just one benchmark on the way to ending Western Civilization and putting yet more power into the hands of The State.

The separation of men and women manifests itself in the long march through our cultural institutions. The Church, K-12, Higher Ed, Madison Ave, Broadcast News and Entertainment have been effectively co-opted. As a result of this relentless assault on our values, most women, even Christian women (astoundingly I have observed) will not stand to defend their brothers, their fathers, and certainly not what’s-his-name. But they will still stand for their sons. For the time being.

Re-establishing our diminished trust is going to take tremendous effort, and copious actions in good faith. To be candid, I’m not sure we’re up to it. But if we are we willing, then let us begin not seated in the Senate chambers but rather, let us begin in our living rooms. On our knees.


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About Phil Christensen

The trail behind me is littered with failure. The trail before me remains to be seen.
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3 Responses to Aftermath: Kavanaugh, Ford, and The State of The Union.

  1. Steve-oh says:

    PC: Jeez, hadn’t thought of it in such stark terms and scope. Sadly, I think you’re 100% right, if not by design, then yes by results.
    More women-voters have stronger feelings of compassion than men, so “signing on” to socialist healthcare-for-all, AND, separately their compassion for illegal aliens, is and has been a financially-dangerous and destructive twofer. Dem-women-voters largely have NO realization of the absolute destruction those 2 in tandem will cause, to essentially ruin our country financially and culturally. It’s been going on, of course, for many years but we’re near a tipping point of not return. THAT’s what Democrat legislators and think-tank donors, consultants, etc KNOW, and unfortunately Dem-women voters don’t know how near the catastrophe IS, much less WHAT the catastrophe is. We on the “right” see it quite clearly !

  2. Anonymous says:

    “I’m pretty much done giving Christine Ford (spare me the “Dr. Ford” nonsense) the presumption of good will.”

    I’m not sure how I got to your website, but the minute I read this I knew that I can trust you. That one sentence sums up exactly how I feel about Christine Ford and her laughable “testimony”, and what is weird about all the anger I feel is that I am not even American, so I can only imagine what you guys must be going through.

    Keep fighting the good fight, I will support you (and your site) in whatever way I can.

  3. Pingback: Amy Coney Barrett Is The Smartest Person In The Room.Manning The Wall

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