Trump’s 2020 Reelection – Is It Inevitable?

Trump’s 2020 reelection is best spoken of  in the context of his 2016 campaign and subsequent upset of Hillary Clinton.  One without the other is only half the story.

I have a confession. I was not a true believer when he rode the escalator down in 2015.  In some ways, I’m still not.  Psalm 146 instructs us to not put our trust in princes.  If you ever had so much as a shadow of a doubt that God is a Libertarian, well… now you know.

I don’t caucus with the Libertarian party, and I don’t imagine I ever will.  Presidential elections give us a binary choice.  They always have, and let us pray they always will so we can avoid the chaos rampant in parliamentary democracies and their “coalition” governments.

And since we live under a binary system, and because the alternative was unspeakably horrific, I flipped the lever for Donald Trump.  With resignation, and with a shrug, yet comforted with a degree of schadenfreude towards The Left and their deep, raging hatred of The United States.

So will Trump win in 2020?  Come November 3rd, Trump’s reelection is no longer a question of “if,” but rather “by how much?”

Nancy Mistakes Trump's Speech For The Constitution

Nancy Mistakes Trump’s Speech For The Constitution

Six Reasons Why.

1. Impeachment.

The leaders of the Democrat Party have clearly demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with power.  The past 3 years have seen them engage in a relentless Soviet-style rejection of the 2016 election.

2. Iowa.  And “The App.”

The ruling class is forever agitating to bring the efficiency of the Department of Motor Vehicles to an emergency room near you.  My wife has nearly a hundred apps on her phone.  And they all work the way they’re supposed to.  Every single one.  Add to that the Democrat Party’s front-runner position oscillating between the mayor of the 4thlargest city in… Indiana, and a socialist who’s isn’t even a member of the party.

3. Crying Wolf.

The opposition keeps making promises on which it can’t deliver.  Like a chimp throwing its feces through the cage bars, here is a partial list what the Democrats have tried.  Remember, the Ruling Class promised every time that that THIS time, Donald Trump would be frog-marched out of the Whitehouse by U.S. Marshalls.  The Russia Hoax.  James Comey’s firing.  Michael Cohen’s arrest.  Paul Manafort’s arrest.  The Mueller Report.  Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels.   Hurricane Maria.  Tax returns. The Trump Tower Meeting. Impeachment, or as they say over at Ace of Spades, the Shampeachment.

4. The Economy.

The latest Gallup pol reports that 90% of Americans surveyed express satisfaction with their current situation.  Factor in a 3% unemployment rate and you can drop the microphone.

5. The Republican Base.

Try to get a ticket to a Trump rally.  Go ahead.  That’s anecdotal.  Here is something a little more statistical leaning: Gary Johnson or whomever the Libertarians put up will not peel off four and half million votes from The President. Not this time.  Admittedly, this is a bold forecast: The Libertarians get between seven hundred and eight hundred thousand votes.  That’s it.

6. President Trump Has Stupid Enemies.

Americans on the other hand are decidedly not stupid.  Americans recognize condescension from the ruling class. They can feel the hatred and contempt of the so-called “elites.”  The irrational hatred of The Left transcends The President and targets those who dared to vote for him with a laser-like acrimony.  “Vote our way or we will hate you forever,” turns out to be a really poor strategy.  It’s more than merely a failure of The Left to understand the motivation behind those who vote for Trump.  The Left actually refuses to understand, thus all but sealing Trump’s 2020 reelection and guaranteeing 4 more years of teeth gnashing.  Middle America looks observes this oscillation between rage and smug, and then simply shrugs and says, ‘look I gotta get back to work.’

Trump’s 2020 Election – The Spread.

So, what is the margin of victory for Trump’s 2020 reelection?  I’m asserting forty states for certain, maybe forty-five.  New York, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Massachusetts will be solidly blue for decades.  Every other traditionally blue state is in play.  Even Oregon.  Even Illinois.  I’ll even go as far as to say the rest of New England, and even New Jersey, presuming their huge rural population mobilizes.  I would like to see The President visit California, just as a matter of principle, to make a dent in the popular vote.  Not everything has to be about the Electoral College.

President Trump’s 2020 reelection chances began a steady climb upward on the Day he was inaugurated when the Washington Post declared that the effort to impeach him was under way.  Trump’s 2020 reelection probably could have been averted but for one overwhelming variable:  The Left couldn’t get over the 2016 election.


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About Phil Christensen

The trail behind me is littered with failure. The trail before me remains to be seen.
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2 Responses to Trump’s 2020 Reelection – Is It Inevitable?

  1. Nelson Rodriguez says:

    I’m not a huge Trump supporter. But the alternatives I’d rather fight a civil war with. They’ve only done one thing with the deranged ongoings. They’ve pretty much helped him win re-election. As an administrator I will vote for him again. Shrugging and getting back to work. Excellent Piece Phil.

  2. Andy Mount says:

    Excellent article Phil!

    However we must not assume this to be the case. The only poll that counts is conducted on Election Day. Register family and friends and get them to see that the entire group of Dems with the exception of Minnie Mike are full on socialists and communists (Minnie Mike is an out of touch fascist with LOTS of money). We cannot let our guard down. The Dems are in a corner and they know it and have known it for a while. They are going to do whatever they can to cheat and steal this election. We need to get as many folks out to vote for DJT as we can!

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