I’m done. Certainly, I’m done being polite. Hopefully done with blind compliance. Border? What border? There is simply no trust left. Not in earthly institutions. And you can’t say we weren’t warned: The Psalmist and the writer of 1 Samuel were pretty clear.
This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights:
1 Samuel chapter 8
He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses… [Your king] will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. [Your king] will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. …the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use. He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.
The prophet and judge Samuel of Ramathaim gave us this early version of ‘people get the kind of government they deserve.’ 3000 years before Joseph de Maistre wrote is oft quoted and paraphrased maxim.
2023 – Happy New Year?
2022 was not a stellar year. In fact the 20’s as a whole may turn out to be a decade that surpasses the 70’s in terms of its malaise. Start wherever you want. Use anecdotes or use statistical analysis. During Biden’s tenure my household grocery bill has doubled. Doubled. I went from paying $1.79 for a gallon of gasoline in December of 2020 to $4.00 this past Summer. Again, doubled. As of this writing, the price is $3.60 in the region of the country where I reside. Please tell me I should be grateful for the 40-cent reduction. I’ll wait.
I Wish I Had Written This.
Alexandria Brown’s twitter essay drops truth bombs with the precision of a McLaren’s 6-speed gearbox. Take some time and peruse the thread. It’s worth a look.
Ronald Reagan’s one blind spot – one shared by so many of good faith – was a dedication to defeating our enemies abroad while neglecting our enemies within. Even further – he seemed unable to conceive that the United States even had enemies sitting in the halls of power. Brown’s essay uses the 1986 amnesty bill as her starting point and walks us up to today in rapid fashion.
Not Incompetence. Malice.
Yes, our ‘leaders’ hold us in contempt, as Brown asserts. What’s more, they are not even trying to hide it. They’ve lost our trust and they don’t seem to care. The savages are not at the gate. The savages are here among us and have been for some time. Once they seized control of the education system, all else was a fait accompli. America’s enemies now sit in Congress, on our school boards, and in the corporate board rooms. Type in any search engine. Someone programed that algorithm for whatever key word or phrase you entered. Someone decided what news was fit for you to consume. Can you trust the programer?
Yes, History Rhymes.
A nation is borders, language and culture. Eliminate any one, much less all three, and you have no nation. We’ve been petitioning our leaders to secure the border for decades. We can no longer give them the benefit of the doubt, because they have removed all doubt. We can no longer attribute the failure to secure our border to buffoonery or ineptitude. The failure to secure our border is the result of pure malice by those who hate us. Any nation will simply dissolve without a defined, enforced border. Our leaders know this. Ask the citizens of the Roman Empire, or the subjects of the German, Frankish or Slavic states of old Europe.
Pretending to love the United States while advocating for an open border is a satanic-level of deception. Shipping billions of dollars overseas in an effort to secure the borders of Ukraine while our own leaks like a pasta colander is the stuff of dystopian novels. A high trust society is where both citizens and leaders take their stewardship seriously. That was the default position of United States. No longer. When the stewards lose all trust, what is the recourse of the citizen? We’re not voting our way out of this.
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