A Non-Commissioned Officer walks into a Lieutenant Colonel’s Office…

I will not give the time nor the place, save that it was somewhere on Planet Earth, and within the last decade.  He (yes, ‘he.’  ‘He’ was not in the least bit confused about this nor was I) sat down with an exasperated sign, and for a minute, said not a word.  Then, “All this talk about gender – what do think about all this, Sir?”

I remained silent for the space of one or two heartbeats.  It was a pause.  Not a hesitation.  “I think there are three genders,” I responded.  “Male, female, and mental illness.”He waited a beat, and then nodded.  “Yeah,” he said.  “I agree.”

We spoke some more, and reflected on our utter helplessness.  The woke agenda was infecting our Army, and make no mistake.  This was and remains an infection every bit as horrifying as Small Pox tearing through the indigenous population of South America during the 1500’s.

Except this is faster.  And thanks to social media, there is no quarantining of the infected, just the hope that our loved ones possess the immunity born of common sense.  A healthy relationship with The Almighty helps, too.

But… Science!

Chromosome Pair 23: It’s either XX or it’s XY.  I have yet to hear about pair XZ.  Or XQ.  You either have the Y Chromosome or you don’t.  If you have it, you’re a male.  If you don’t, you’re a female.  There’s no “assigned” sex at birth.  You are what you are, and I and every sane human being understands this simple concept.  We need to stop indulging and participating in the delusions of others.

There is no such thing as “transitioning.”  There is only depression based on neurochemical imbalance, or a failure to self-improve.  If one is suffering from the first, seek medical or psychiatric attention.  If you have failed to improve yourself, surgical mutilation is not the answer.

We need to reprioritize what’s important.  Like nuclear fusion and anti-matter research.  Like cancer research.  Like colonizing space, a project which has suffered in favor of the woke agenda for the last 50 years.


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About Phil Christensen

The trail behind me is littered with failure. The trail before me remains to be seen.
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