Trump Needs To Win The Election Beyond The Margin Of Lawyers.

Barring Massive Fraud, Trump Should Win The Election

Whether he is going to win beyond the margin of the inevitable litigation is another story.  That is the challenge in front of him.  To win the election is one thing.  This needs to be won beyond cheating.

This isn’t 2016 and the Marxists are ready this time

Trump’s poll-defying victory four years ago caught The Left with their pants down.  Pants around the ankles, stumbling out of the porta-john, screaming, flailing, and finally sprawled face-down in the mud.  Not exactly a dignified finish.  That doesn’t happen often.  Of course, 2016 was a special case.  The Left thought Hillary Clinton’s victory a cold hard certainty.  Nothing prepared them for the inevitable surprise on par with Wild E. Coyote lighting an exploding cigar. So this time The President doesn’t just need to win, He need to win the election decisively.

The Left Has Raised Voter Fraud to an Art Form

Reflect on all the initiatives from The Left during this election cycle.  The push for mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, unpurged voter rolls, – all schemes designed to make a mockery of the necessary internal controls to ensure a proper chain of custody.

This isn’t over on November 3rd

Because we all know how gracious The Left is in defeat.  The Marxists are not going to accept a 2020 Trump victory any more than they accepted his 2016 election.  How do we know this?  Because they’ve already told us.  Because they’ve already done this.  Buick LeSabre trunks full of ballots waiting to be “found?”  That’s just the beginning this time around.

Trump will win, states will certify their electors, and our president will be sworn in for a second term.  Between election day and inauguration day, the rest of us need to be prepared.  The visceral hatred of The Left isn’t just reserved for Trump.  It’s aimed at the rest of us for daring to have a different opinion.  It’s directed towards those who may not like the president, yet don’t share that frothing at the mouth hatred for the man.

They hate us because we simply want to be left alone.  Because we see government as something nice to have around, but not all-consuming.

The Social Contract Is Out The Window.

To summon Kyle Reese, The Left can’t reasoned with, they can’t be bargained with and they absolutely will not stop.  The Left’s tsunami of hatred makes it impossible to engage in any meaningful dialog.  Hounding people at dinner, rampaging through the streets (spare me the “mostly peaceful protest” nonsense), property damage – nothing is off the table. The Left wants us gone, either dead or in the gulag, and they will slice through the very sinews which have made coexistence possible for the last 7,000 years to make that happen.


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About Phil Christensen

The trail behind me is littered with failure. The trail before me remains to be seen.
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4 Responses to Trump Needs To Win The Election Beyond The Margin Of Lawyers.

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