The Homecoming. Why Some Classics Should Be Left Alone.

It took me all of 15 seconds to dismiss the 2021 “update” of the The Homecoming.  

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Rise Of The Garbage Human.

Let’s get this out of the way and file it under tweets I wish I had written:

Pretty much…

We’re going to keep talking about this, mostly because we enjoy hearing ourselves talk.

On the other hand, there are those who richly earn mockery.

OK, so what exactly is a Garbage Human?

A Garbage Human is any person who’s politics become their highest moral imperative, superseding even the bonds of family, friends, and society.

My first exposure to Garbage Humans was back around 2005, during the Bush 43 years. Online forums were relatively new, at least to me. I came across a story where a woman was seeking validation for what many would consider anti-social behavior.

The woman relates that she was entering the interstate earlier that day when sees another vehicle broken down on the ramp. She slows down and begins to pull over hoping to offer assistance. She another woman standing outside the other vehicle with small children. This is before the complete saturation of cell phones, so getting stranded was still a thing.

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Lessons From The Rittenhouse File

Kyle Rittenhouse is neither a hero nor a villain.  On August 25th of 2020, 17-year-old Rittenhouse was a scared kid volunteering to provide security to a beleaguered car dealership owned by the Khindris.  The family did not specifically ask Rittenhouse for help, which is a fair point of discussion, and provides context.

So Easily Avoided

Given the exculpatory evidence available (both eye-witness and video, for Heaven’s sake) the Prosecution’s insistence in charging Rittenhouse at all should go down as one of the most puzzling decisions in realm of criminal justice.  But it won’t.  Because we don’t live in a world where we weigh evidence and make rational decisions based on law.  We live in a world where prosecutions are political and assistant DAs look at every case through the lens of  “will this help get me to the United States Senate of The Governor’s Mansion?”        

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How To Win A War

When War Becomes Academic

Afghanistan is already in the rearview mirror.  The news cycle has clearly left it behind.  This is unfortunate. With respect to War, peace and our position on the Global Stage, I’m not convinced that we’ve internalized the many lessons as befitting a global power.  

From my seat in the gallery, I see variations of three choices confronting the United States:

1. Keep The Status Quo.

Deploy our troops overseas in response to anti-Western aggression and continue to take half-measures.  Piss off the people we deploy because we simply refuse to do what is required to finish the job.  Piss off the taxpayers at home for sending them in the first place.  Keep believing.  Keep believing that somehow people on the other side of the globe will have a collective epiphany.  Because if we’re just nice enough, they’ll convert to Christianity, hold free and fair elections, abandon nepotism, dispense with tribalism, and adopt free markets.  [Spit].

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Afghanistan Part III – A Failure of Methodology

…Or How To Teach Someone Absolutely Nothing

“We need to let them fail.”  I said to my boss.  

Some people ask me what my job was over there.  I simply say – even to fellow veterans – that I was a Brigade XO.  Second in command.  And then everyone lets it go at that.  Saying I as a Brigade XO is so much easier than saying, “Deputy Commander of Region Support Command North (RSCN).”  Because then I’d feel obligated to give the definition and explain the function of a Regional Support Command, how it differs from a Regional Command, and how both nest into the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan (NTM-A – an acronym within an acronym), and how NTM-A nested within CENTCOM (ooh – another acronym).  Then of course, there was NTMA-A’s relationship with Untied States Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), also under CENTCOM.  Two made-up commands with vaguely defined missions co-located under CENTCOM.  Wee

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Afghanistan Part II – Why We Lost.

Afghanistan is not a Nation-state.  It’s a collection of tribes.  The area of Central Asia we call “Afghanistan” is a construct of 19th century politics between the British and Russian empires.  If Western Civilization has one flaw, it’s our obsession with drawing national boundaries around every square inch of real estate on Planet Earth.  We even draw boundaries around water.  Go find a world atlas and look for Micronesia in the South Pacific, if you’re skeptical.

But Borders Are So Tidy.

Around 1880, British diplomats looked at the 250,000 square mile region between Tibet and Persia and figured, ‘well, we have to call it something.’  The obvious choice was to name it after the ethnic Pashtos, or Afghans since they were the largest ethnicity comprising just a little over 40% of the population.  Pashtos are further divided into numerous tribes: Ghilzali and Durrani being the largest, followed by the Jaji, Safi, Wardak, Shinwari, Tani, Mohmand, Jardan, Khungiani, and Mangal, to name a few more.

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Afghanistan Part I. Why We Lost.

Joe Biden – or whomever is controlling him has had the reigns of power for a short seven months. While his bungling of America’s exit from Central Asia is breathtaking, we can’t blame him for why we lost. Credit for that goes to the thousands of people making tiny decisions over the course of 20 years. Here is what I hope is a concise executive summary.

First Lesson of Why We Lost: Continuity.

Republics should never wage wars overseas.  Protracted wars require continuity, and representative republics don’t provide that vital factor.  At the top, our nation changes the guard every four or eight years, and with that, changes in policy and methods are inevitable.  

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I Want To Hear From My Leftist “Friends”

Crossing The Line

Some sick piece of work left me a comment telling me I’m going to Hell for not agreeing with them.  Just like that.  I’m going to Hell.  Accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior?  Doesn’t count.  Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ according to Acts 16:31?  Nope, doesn’t count.  Being born of the Spirit according to John 3:5?  Doesn’t count.  Because Trump.  Yes, it was smarmy, brimming with self-satisfaction and self-righteousness.  It was also honest, and full of conviction.  I can respect the candor while reserving deadly contempt for taking advantage of the anonymity afforded by the internet. Continue reading

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Rigged Game – A Love Letter From The Gate Keepers.

Defenders Of The Faith

Up to this point, Americans have put up with the rigged game. Elites sent their kids to Ivy League schools. Twenty-two year olds showed up at the Bank on their first day on the job with millions of dollars in accounts – curtesy of Dad and a few uncles. And Junior graduated from law school and was put on the partner’s track on his first day. We got it. We weren’t connected. So we were told that if we were patient, developed our talent, or came up with a really, really useful idea… well, welcome.

Opportunity Doesn’t Just Knock…

…sometimes it just breaks the door down.

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The Democrats Call For Unity. Count Me In. Part I.

President Biden is in office for one reason, and one reason only: God put him there.  Let’s not spend the next 4 years re-treading.  Yes, mail-in ballots, election officials that did not follow their own state constitution and laws, stopping counting, starting counting, counting in secret, as well every single anomaly going in one direction – I get all that. By whatever method Joe Biden ascended to the presidency, he is there because The Almighty allowed it. So… go unity.

“…the Most High God is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and sets over them anyone he wishes.”

Daniel 5:21

Your Vote Is Not An Indicator Of Your Godliness.

The Bible has very little to say about political systems.  It does instruct us to pray for our leaders and to pay our taxes. The Bible also warns us that appointing a strong chief executive will result in our children going off to war. Two recent exceptions come to mind: Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump.  With respect to the form a government might take, the only government that God ever blessed off on is Judicial Theocracy.   Continue reading

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