Can We Keep Our Republic? The 2020 Election Fall-Out.

If democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner, then a republic is the sheep in possession of an AR-15.

The Supreme Court refused to hear the lawsuit filed Monday by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. The State of Texas asserted that the rights half the country were violated by the ostensible refusal of 4 states – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin – to follow their own election laws and/or respective state constitutions.

The summery of the unsigned decision reads: “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

Predicably this has provided near-infinite fodder for legal scholars.  Here is what I’ve managed to glean:


Bottom Line: you can’t have states running to SCOTUS every time they are not happy with an election result.

Follow up: One state, in this case, Texas, does not have ‘standing’ or legal grounds with respect to how another state conducts its elections. No other facts are relevant.  State legislators ultimately decide if the election within their jurisdiction was conducted fairly and within the margin of fraud.  The state legislators are empowered to send whichever slate of electors to the Electoral College they choose, based on their interpretation of the popular vote.  A willingness to legitimize Texas’ grievance, regardless of how many other states join them, would be a violation of Federalism (State’s rights) in the extreme.


Bottom Line: The Court must hear the case when one state brings suit against another.  Article III, section 2 impels the court: “The Judicial Power shall extend to all Cases… to Controversies between two or more States…” This extends to mutual disputes as well as lawsuits.

Follow up: Election laws have a lot in common with insurance laws.  Diversity does not provide a benefit here. Uniformity is better with respect to both insurance and elections laws. Elections benefit from certainty and an even keel.  Parties who fail to keep their contract cause instability and worse, chaos.  Uniformity of elections laws are essential to a functioning Republic, and are part and parcel of Ordered Liberty.  Without uniformity and stability, one state’s lack of safeguards will have a detrimental effect on the citizens of other states, effectively invalidating their votes.

The Future of The Republic

The Consequences To Our Freedom

SCOTUS has ensured that going forward, elections will become simply a game where the side that manages to stuff the most ballots into the box wins.  Not exactly conducive to keeping The Republic. Blue states and counties have stripped all safeguards from the process.  Since courts from the state to the federal level up to and including the Supreme Court have blessed off on this process, it would be tactically stupid for red counties and states not to do the same.  Otherwise, forget about anyone or any center-right cause winning at the ballot box ever again, and accept the United States descending into a one-party Soviet-style nation.

Consider – if one can get away with a 100% – 200% turnout in a given county, what’s to stop any party from stuffing millions of ballots in a county with only 100,000 or so registered voters?

The Take-Away & With Respect To Our Liberty

The side which that is a greater threat to domestic tranquility always wins.  This of course creates its own set of problems. Give in to the mob, and they will be back. Just ask the ancient kings of England. Savages have one overarching trait. Terminal discontentment.  You have no interest in savages. Fine. It doesn’t matter. Because they are intensely interested in you, and no degree of appeasement will ever work. Norman Americans are like the frog in the pot with the heat being turn up ever so slowly. Like the wife coming across her ballet shoes in the bottom drawer, or the husband looking at his fishing gear hanging in the garage for the last decade. At some point we’re going to ask ourselves, “what happened?”  What happened to our Republic?  Indeed, what happened to our right to pursue happiness?  What happened indeed.

Human Nature Being What It Is…

The United States is careening toward a dreadful reckoning. No one wants to take the blame for having a hand in that.  That includes Chief Justice John Roberts and the entire panel.  Still, claiming “no decision” is still a decision.  A cowardly one to be sure, but one that gives some coverage.  I get it. What if they heard the case and what if SCOTUS rules the four states in question have violated the rights of the other forty-six? Further, what if the mail-in ballots, in a separate ruling turn out to be unconstitutional on the State and Federal level and thrown out? Do the thugs on The Left burn the nation from coast to coast?  It’s what they’ve threatened to do. So, it makes sense (to SCOTUS, at least) to kick the can down the road.

It’s a mistake.  A mistake on par with the Three-fifths’ Compromise.  Our Founders didn’t see it coming, and with the resulting deaths of 680,000 Americans, it’s easy to pass judgment.  Will delaying action on voter fraud result in something similar?  That’s crystal ball stuff.  What we do know for certain? That this issue will not go away and we need to address it. Sooner or later. Sooner is better.


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Mail-in Ballots – Planned Chaos

Throw Out The Mail-in Ballots While We Still Have A Republic

Including Mail-in Ballots has thrown this election into chaos. Election officials need to take every Mail-in Ballot, and throw them out. They should never be part of our election process ever again.  

This election may very well invalidate the future of our nation.  The evidence, statistical and anecdotal is overwhelming. Do we want to send this message to The Left? Do we tell them that it’s OK for them to manufacture ballots in order to make up the deficit? How will that play out in future elections?  We generally credit Joseph Stalin with saying some variation of ‘It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.’  We’re seeing that played out now.

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Philadelphia Riots.  Biden Supporters Stage Another Successful Rally.

Philadelphia Riots – tragedy turns to opportunity. 

Last Monday, police shot and killed a knife-wielding assailant on a Philadelphia street.  Walter Wallace, Jr., reportedly charged two police officers, who repeatedly instructed him to drop the knife.  Mental illness or not, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  Despite efforts by police to save him, Wallace died shortly after at a local hospital.  Naturally Philadelphia Riots ensued, continuing our glorious national tradition.

Naturally, The City of Brotherly Love came together in every way we’ve come to expect: by rampaging, looting, and sending 30 police officers to the emergency room, including one female police sergeant struck when a pick-up truck rammed into a police line.  Yeah, who says Joe Biden can’t get people to come out and support him?

The Walter Wallace incident illustrates perfectly the disingenuous and artificial nature of the “protests” that sprung up following George Floyd’s fentanyl induced death.  Wallace’s death was a clear case of self-defense by the officers on the scene.  This is corroborated by both video recording and several eye-witnesses.  This is not about civil rights or justice.  Any pretentions to the contrary come off as absurd.  This is about initiating enough chaos to break down the current social structure to the point where it is unsustainable and must be replaced.

Defund the police?  Sure.  And then replace them with… what, exactly?

Some context according to NBC News, and the New York Post:

  • Walter Wallace – father of eight with one on the way, recently married, had a history of run-ins with the law.
  • Police had been called to his home dozens of times in recent month, including twice on Monday before returning a third time when Wallace was shot.
  • Since May, police received 31 calls to or about Wallace’s address including reports of weapons possession and assaults.
  • Wallace had been in and out of court since turning 18. Charges included robbery, assault (both civilians and police), and resisting arrest.
  • A protective order was filed against him by none other than his own mother in 2013.

Nothing says “Social Justice” quite like a 60-inch flatscreen

Which I could at least understand if not approve.  But this was interesting:  On Tuesday night, Elijah Schaffer, a journalist with The Blaze entered a 5 Below to record some of the looting taking place across the city. He was set upon by a number of rioters, sustaining severe injuries requiring a trip to the emergency room.

Of course, most of the major media outlets will spin this as a “mostly peaceful protest.”  From a numeric standpoint, sure.  Of the hundreds of looters moving in and out of the 5 Below, only a handful kicked Schaffer in the face while he was balled up on the ground waiting them out.  See?  Mostly peaceful.

I know we all wish him a speedy recovery.

Now, here is what I don’t understand.  What were the looters doing in a 5 Below?  Seriously.  Not de la Renta, not Michael Kors.  Or Moncler.  Pfeilfley?  Cartiers?  Pass.  Not even Men’s Warehouse.  No, no – you looted… 5 freakin’ Below.  You do realize your fellow travelers were looting the Walmart across the street, right?  Because that’s where the flat screens and the game consoles are located.  Which is why in the end, I’m just not afraid of you.  Because within your ranks, there’s a lot of stupid.

Update.  Over the weekend, the NY Times reported that the stores along Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills are boarding up in anticipation of Election Day.  So, it seems that among the savages, at least some have ambitions above the level of Target.

The Philadelphia Riots and The Election

With President Trump, you get support for the Police who protect our homes. With Biden and the woman who gives us that awkward laugh when she doesn’t want to answer a question, you get support for rioters, and a promise to move this viciousness directly to your front porch.

The savages and their enablers among our sociopathic elected officials are not at the gates. They are inside the walls, among us.  And they’re not here to pillow fight with us.


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Trump Needs To Win The Election Beyond The Margin Of Lawyers.

Barring Massive Fraud, Trump Should Win The Election

Whether he is going to win beyond the margin of the inevitable litigation is another story.  That is the challenge in front of him.  To win the election is one thing.  This needs to be won beyond cheating.

This isn’t 2016 and the Marxists are ready this time

Trump’s poll-defying victory four years ago caught The Left with their pants down.  Pants around the ankles, stumbling out of the porta-john, screaming, flailing, and finally sprawled face-down in the mud.  Not exactly a dignified finish.  That doesn’t happen often.  Of course, 2016 was a special case.  The Left thought Hillary Clinton’s victory a cold hard certainty.  Nothing prepared them for the inevitable surprise on par with Wild E. Coyote lighting an exploding cigar. So this time The President doesn’t just need to win, He need to win the election decisively. Continue reading

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Early Voting Results Already Reveal The Polls Were Wrong.

Early Voting Results Hail Back to 2016.

This should come as no surprise.  To summon the Battlestar Galactica reboot: “All this has happened before, all this will happen again.”  Early voting results are clearly not what The Left was expecting.  And this factors in the Democrats’ 3-5% voter fraud baked into the cake every election cycle.

Furthermore, the polls are correcting – oops – I mean narrowing as we get closer to the election.  Wait, you mean the Democrats don’t own early voting? Hmm. Biden’s insurmountable leads – once in the double digits in some states – have gone up like vapor. Of course, come election day morning, the networks will report Biden with a 95% chance of victory.  Because reasons.  You know, just like in 2016.  From there, it’s in the hands of The Almighty.  And you.  And maybe me. Continue reading

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Some Reasons I Am Voting For Donald Trump

1. I will not be held hostage in my own country.

Not now.  Not ever.  If you want a list of the reasons I am voting for Donald Trump, you can start with that.  I do not respond well to threats.  The implied and sometimes stated promise that all this ends if we, the great unwashed will only vote right way just serves to piss me off.  Screaming in my ear with a bullhorn will not change my mind.   Telling me, “vote for Kid-toucher Biden and no one gets hurt,” does not work.  Because I still love America.

Violating rules we’ve abided by for 7,000 years won’t convince anyone.

Stealing food and drinks from my table won’t do it.  Gesticulating like an ape doesn’t make me want to listen to you either.  The insurrectionists burning down our cities are not getting their point across.  They are merely demonstrating their own savagery.  And whatever side the savages are on, you’ll find me on the other.  It’s really that simple. Continue reading

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Hunter Biden and Big Tech Censorship.

The Hunter Biden Laptop

Hunter Biden is clearly benefitting from the convergence of Big Tech.  Or so it would seem. Facebook, Google, and Twitter have a stranglehold on the overwhelming majority of information distribution. All three Big Tech companies have done their best to kill the Hunter Biden Laptop story. The son of former Vice-President Joe Biden found himself once again at the center of alleged international corruption.  This week The New York Post broke a number of stories indicating Hunter Biden leveraged his connection to his father.  E-mails which surfaced this week detail correspondence between Hunter Biden and one of his business partners.  This goes against what Joe Biden asserted as recently as September of last year. 

I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” – Joe Biden

The owner of a Delaware computer repair shop discovered the e-mail from an abandoned laptop brought in for service.   

Among the e-mails discovered are communications from executives employed by Burisma, a Ukrainian Energy Company upon whose board Hunter Biden sat.  One e-mail discusses how Hunter Biden can best use his political connections with his father on behalf of the company.  Another is from an executive thanking Hunter for introducing him to his influential father.

Hunter Biden Laptop Photos.

Not going there. Not even providing a link.

I sense a caption contest coming Getty Images
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Amy Coney Barrett – The Smartest Person In The Room

Amy Coney Barrett Nomination.

On September 26th, President Trump announced to absolutely no one’s surprise his nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to fill vacancy on the Supreme Court.  As with everything The president does – acknowledging Chinese aggression, leaving the obstinate Palestinians our of Mid-East negotiations, or simply taking off his mask on the Whitehouse balcony – the Left threw a tantrum.

Yes, the hypocrisy on The Right is obvious, and I don’t care.

I get it.  When Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland towards the end of his Reign of Error, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) went on record in no uncertain terms.  “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”  McConnell articulated his principles clearly.  He was also full of malarky.  We knew it then, and we know it now.  Democrats are correct in their objections.  In a better world, we could count on men like McConnell to stand by their lofty principles, even – especially when they run counter to one’s interests.

Of course, in a better world, we would not have had to put up with this:


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Should We Cancel Columbus Day?

Should we cancel Columbus Day? His epic voyage, often dismissed by revisionists, ushered in the great Age of Exploration. Yes, he should be celebrated.

Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day?

Let’s get this out of the way.  I will not now, nor will I ever celebrate anything called “Indigenous People Day.”   I base this on the rather reasonable assertion that the descendants of the first migrants of the North American Continent lost the war.  Christopher Columbus. On the other hand, represents the beginning of the Age of Exploration – an epoch in Western Civilization on par with the Industrial Revolution and the Digital Age.  I would rather celebrate Columbus – his achievements and the secondary and tertiary achievements that flowed thereafter – as opposed to the 500+ warring nations, most of which never left the Stone Age.  Getting high and engaging in gratuitous torture?   We can all do without that “culture,” thank you very much. Continue reading

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Bernie Sanders, That Stupid Slogan & The Accidental Honesty Of The Left

Not Me. Us.

I’m going to admit it.  I like Bernie Sanders.  Or perhaps I just find the whole Bernie Brand  entertaining.  Yes, you can include Larry David’s laser-precision channeling of the Vermont Senator as part of that brand.  And Sander’s campaign slogan?  Come on, that’s just the gift that never stops.

What is Bernie Sander’s Slogan?

Bernie Sander’s slogan, Not Me. Us, begs to be mocked.  Not as pretentious as Obama’s “We’re The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For,” but it’s close.

I’m not above wishing another Walter Mondale 49-state loss onto the Democrats.  Given the 3 1/2 year tantrum they’ve thrown, it could not happen to a nicer group of verwöhnte Kinder.  They can comfort themselves in the realization that they will always have Bernie Sander’s Slogan. Continue reading

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