The 2016 Election Results and The Left’s Perpetual Coup

The 2016 Elections Results Revealed The Insanity On The Left

I would prefer a Chief Executive with a bit more polish.  That being said, a coarse Chief Executive does not send us down the path to Third World Status.  On the other hand, the tiny minority using the organs of the State and media to overturn an election may just get us started.  It’s clear that accepting the 2016 election results was never an option for those with a visceral hatred for The United States.

Purging By The Left |

Sweet dreams of The Left.

In January of 2017, it was easy to dismiss all the pink-hatters stamping their tiny little feet. Ratchet forward two years and a plurality of gatekeepers routinely use our Constitution for bathroom tissue.  This isn’t just bad, it’s dangerous.

Trump 2018

So True.

Accepting elections results would require a degree of self-examination.  Please when has The Left ever?  Who needs elections when one has unlimited prosecutorial powers, virtual immunity from prosecution, and a really, really, big megaphone?

The Left is calcified in it’s refusal to accept the 2016 election results.  This would be funny if they didn’t have their hands so firmly on the levers of power:

Here are just a few anecdotes:

A congresswoman who has yet to take her seat threatens to subpoena the political opposition.  For the unpardonable crime of mocking her.

I guess math is hard.

Let’s talk about incoming Attorney General Letitia James.   She is yet to be sworn in, yet vows to “investigate” Trump, his family, and apparently the baristas in Trump Tower.  I mean everybody, means “everybody,” right?  I guess that’s more entertaining than actually enforcing the laws of New York State.   Additionally, she’s advocating for legislation that would criminalize activities by the President, his family, and his associates.  I learned about Ex-post Facto Law in high school.  But apparently following the constitution is for suckers.

Lieutenant General Flynn did not even know he was under investigation.  FBI agents visiting the White House during the first week of the investigation informed him that he didn’t need a lawyer present because – to paraphrase – “we just have few questions.”

Or as James Comey bragged to MSNBC recently, This is “something I probably wouldn’t have done or wouldn’t have gotten away with in a more organized administration.”   Despicable.

Prosecutors run amok.

In defiance of an order by Judge Emmet Sulivan, Bob Mueller’s team has failed to turn over the 302 document of the FBI’s original interview with Flynn.  You have to be really careful here.  There’s a 302 that was turned over that references the 302 of the original interview.  But the actual notes from Flynns interview?  That one seems to be missing from the stack.  At this point, does even it exist?  Let’s presume for sake of argument that the investigators violated Flynn’s rights.   Does it mean his plea deal, and his entire case gets dismissed?

Miraculously, the returned government cell phones of FBI lawyer Lisa Page and Agent Peter Strzok were reset to their factory settings prior to investigators examining them.

Call it The Establishment, or The Deep State.   Or should we call it the confluence of the media industrial complex and the permanent bureaucracy?  Whatever you want to name them, they will continue to seek to overturn the 2016 election results for the next six years, provided Trump is re-elected.

Does President Trump serves out his full two terms?  Or will The Left succeed in harassing him out of office?   Either way, the plan is still the same.  Trump, his family, his associates, and anyone who does not denounce him is to be hounded out of polite society and brought to ruin – likely for their remaining days.

And really, for what? For the unpardonable sin of trying to pump the breaks on the globalist hijacking of America.

Off Topic:

In a fit of sanity, a Federal Judge has ruled the Final Solution, aka The Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.  Since the The Left loves the courts, I’m sure they will accept this ruling with their usual becoming grace.



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About Phil Christensen

The trail behind me is littered with failure. The trail before me remains to be seen.
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3 Responses to The 2016 Election Results and The Left’s Perpetual Coup

  1. Nelson Rodriguez says:

    My concern is frankly a second Civil War. As far fetched as that seemed not to long ago, the consistent efforts of the left to criminalize conservatives and ignore the constitution is ramping out of control. We may not see it but our children may. Spot on article Sir.

  2. David Penchansky says:

    You said: “I would prefer a Chief Executive with a bit more polish. That being said, a coarse Chief Executive does not send us down the path to Third World Status.”
    Is that the ONLY thing that you find problematic about President Trump – that he lacks polish, is coarse? While I wouldn’t dispute your characterization, does colluding with Russia count for something? Embezzling the inauguration funds? Defending despotic murderers? Destroying the environment? Making us a laughing stock among the nations? Do any of those count?
    And who exactly is sending us to third world status? I could go on.

    You said, “On the other hand, the tiny minority using the organs of the State and media to overturn an election may just get us started. It’s clear that accepting the 2016 election results was never an option for those with a visceral hatred for The United States.”
    My goodness! I realize you are not referring to Republicans, but you might as well be. There are so many examples of Republicans subverting the voting system, through gerrymandering, closing polling places in poor and African American neighborhoods, shortening early voting systems, and wholesale stealing of election results in North Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

    You said: “plurality of gatekeepers routinely use our Constitution for bathroom tissue.”
    Who exactly is so using our constitution? I think it is the president who has attacked the freedom of the press, who has threatened to incarcerate his political enemies, who has completely ignored the emoluments clause of the Constitution, who has sought to obstruct justice from the beginning of his administration until now.
    Some other points:
    Should not attorneys general prosecute lawbreakers, and should not congresspeople investigate corruption?
    Do we actually expect General Flynn (with all his government experience) not to know that it is illegal to lie to the FBI? Seriously? Should we not have expected him to know that it is illegal to represent a foreign country without registering? Or that being compromised by the Russians makes one unqualified to be the head of the National Security Council?
    You said: “For the unpardonable sin of trying to pump the breaks on the globalist hijacking of America.” Is THAT why you think people oppose the President? You are ignoring the corruption and incompetence, his support of despots to the detriment of the United States.

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